Written on 14.39 by Dimas Sugeng Rachmadi
Lama banget ngga pernah buka blog ini... ternyata masih bisa entry, sebab hampir tiga tahun ngga menulis dalam blog.
Dalam periode vakum ini ada beberapa buku yang penulis baca dan cukup inspiratif antara lain trilogi karya A.Fuadi : Negeri 5 menara, ranah 3 warna dan Rantau. serta buku Rhenald Kasali...shubhanallah gara gara baca buku beliau jadi ingin menjadi mahasiswa beliau dan mulai cek cek program doktoral di Universitas Indonesia.
Anyway semua hal yang inspiratif dan membuat manfaat akan penulis share >>>.( tinggal cari waktu pas lagi mood menulis haha )
Written on 17.26 by Dimas Sugeng Rachmadi
Danddy Smile...enlighted my life...
Written on 17.18 by Dimas Sugeng Rachmadi

Danadyaksa Sandyaditha Rachmadi
Dua...mata saya...hidung saya satu, dua kaki saya pakai sepatu baru....
Written on 17.09 by Dimas Sugeng Rachmadi

My Son Danadyaksa...
Hi son...i miss u much...
wish that u will be raise as a brilliant , humble, polite and sholeh.
Just remember that u are always be my star ....
-proud father-
Written on 16.59 by Dimas Sugeng Rachmadi
Naik gaji?...... hmm mau dong... tapi dah pertengahan bulan May 2010 namun belum ada tanda tanda kenaikan gaji, padahal diatas kertas dengan assumsi inflasi sebesar 8 persen per tahun saja...telah terjadi penyusutan gaji dari tahun kemaren.
hmm no argue...kudu mulai cari solusi atau nerapin tips di bawah ini kali ya :
1. Makin berhemat...dengan mengurangi persentase konsumsi per bulan...hmmm bakal ekstra mengencangkan ikat pinggang. Atau ngurangi jatah belanja istri...hihihi sadiss....
2. Menggunakan jurus 4-3-2-1, 40% consume, 30% alokasi hutang, 20% investasi dan 10 % charity and religion funds
3. atau segera cari peluang menambah sumber penghasilan baru...
4. Langkah terahir..makin mendekatkan diri kepada illahi sembari tak henti henti berdoa dan memohon kenaikan gaji.... hehehehe.
Moga selalu diberi kesehatan, keselamatan dan kesejahteraan bagi hamba dan keluarga amieen....
Written on 15.42 by Dimas Sugeng Rachmadi
Wellhead, Hangers dan X-Mas Tree
Wellhead merupakan salah satu komponen penting dalam proses pengeboran selain semen atau packer. Wellhead ini dipasang pada setiap akhir dari casing dan tubing string di permukaan sumur. Di dalam kelompok wellhead, termasuk pula casing head, casing head spool, tubing head spool, dan christmas tree.
Wellhead memiliki dua fungsi penting, yaitu:
1. Sebagai penyangga casing string
Setiap casing dan tubing yang dimasukkan ke dalam sumur secara fisik tergantung pada wellhead.
2. Sebagai tempat terpasangnya alat pengontrol aliran
Wellhead dirancang untuk dapat dihubungkan dengan alat pengontrol aliran dari dan ke dalam sumur. Pada tahap pengeboran, alat pengontrol aliran ini dikenal sebagai blow out preventer stack atau BOP. BOP ini dipasang pada permukaan wellhead dan digunakan terus hingga tubing masuk ke dalam sumur. Pada tahap completion, tugas BOP diganti dengan sistem pengontrol aliran atau yang dikenal dengan nama Christmas Tree.
Ada empat tipe dasar dari wellhead, yaitu:
1. Wellhead Sistem Konvensional Spool
2. Wellhead Sistem Compact Spool
3. Wellhead Sistem Mud Line Suspension
4. Subsea Wellhead
1. Wellhead Sistem Konvensional Spool
Pada tipe ini, conductor atau surface string joint yang terakhir di-install ke casing head dengan sambungan ulir untuk threaded connection atau sambungan las untuk welded connection. Profil dalam casing head disiapkan untuk menyangga casing yang selanjutnya. Untuk melengkapi proses ini, pada joint terakhir casing dipasang hanger dan didudukkan di dalam casing head. Tipe hanger tersebut dikenal dengan nama slip hanger. Hanger jenis ini hanya cocok untuk berat casing ringan dan menengah. Untuk hanger alternatif dapat digunakan mandrel hanger dimana casing joint terakhir disambungkan ke hanger tersebut melalui ulir yang telah tersedia.
Untuk menyangga casing berikutnya, dipasang casing head spool diatas casing head. Casing head spool ini memiliki profil dalam yang serupa dengan casing head. Akhirnya, untuk menyangga production tubing string, digunakan spool yang dikenal dengan nama tubing head spool dan dipasang diatas casing head spool. Setelah completion string terpasang, barulah BOP dilepas kemudian dipasang Christmas tree.
2. Wellhead Sistem Compact Spool
Wellhead sistem compact spool biasanya dikenal juga dengan beberapa nama seperti Unihead, Uni Wellhead atau Unitized Wellhead. Sistem ini adalah pengambangan dari sistem konvensional spool dimana casing head spool dan tubing head spool terintegerasi menjadi satu kesatuan. Sehingga sistem ini dapat menghemat waktu drilling dan meningkatkan keamanan karena tidak perlu melepas BOP seperti yang terjadi pada sistem konvensional dimana BOP harus dilepas pada setiap pemasangan casing head spool atau tubing head spool. Untuk diketahui, dilepasnya BOP memiliki potensi yang membahayakan bagi keamanan sumur, karena hidrokarbon dapat muncul ke permukaan dengan tekanan tinggi secara tidak terduga mengingat bagian bawah sumur merupakan daerah yang mengadung hidrokarbon.
Secara garis besar sistem compact spool atau sistem dengan satu spool, profil dalamnya telah disiapkan untuk menyangga lebih dari satu casing string, misalnya penyangga intermediate casing string, production casing string dan production tubing string berada dalam satu spool. Dengan menggunakan sistem satu spool ini, selama proses drilling, BOP tidak perlu untuk dilepas dari spool hingga tahap completion.
Sistem ini juga mencakup pengembangan pada casing dan tubing hanger. Pengembangan tersebut yaitu casing hanger dan tubing hanger yang digunakan sudah memiliki sistem sealing dan penguncian yang terintegrasi dengan badan casing hanger atau tubing hanger.
3. Wellhead Sistem Mud Line Suspension
Pada sistem ini, wellhead dipasang di dasar laut tetapi production casing dan production tubing-nya disambung hingga platform atau production well jacket. Meski demikian, berat production casing dan production tubing tidak disangga oleh platform atau production well jacket.
Wellhead ini terdiri dari dua bagian utama, yakni:
1. Wellhead yang dipasang di dasar laut akan digunakan sebagai penyangga casing string.
2. Perpanjangan (extension) casing string yang dipasang dari wellhead di dasar laut hingga subsidiary wellhead di platform dimana BOP dan Christmas Tree akan terpasang.
Ketika sumur akan selesai, christmas tree dipasang diatas wellhead di dalam laut atau diatas permukaan laut dengan menggunakaan jacket kecil. Jika christmas tree akan dipasang pada kedalaman laut, maka perpanjangan casing dilepaskan dari wellhead lalu christmas tree dipasang.
Sistem ini dapat dijadikan alternatif jika penggunaan sumur ingin ditunda sementara waktu. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan menutup wellhead setelah perpanjangan casing string dilepas dari mudline.
4. Subsea Wellhead
Pada offshore exploration, subsea wellhead ini dapat dijadikan alternatif dimana wellhead ini dipasang pada sumur di dasar laut yang dalam (deep water) atau sangat dalam (ultra deep water). Subsea wellhead merupakan sistem wellhead yang tidak memerlukan fixed platform.
Prinsip kerja dan fungsi subsea wellhead ini sama seperti wellhead di permukaan (surface), hanya saja wellhead ini dipasang di dasar laut. Kondisi kerja dan lingkungan yang berbeda mengakibatkan peralatan dan proses pemasangan menjadi sangat berbeda dengan wellhead di permukaan.
Dikarenakan wellhead dipasang di dasar laut, maka BOP dan christmas tree juga terpasang di dasar laut,
Written on 10.53 by Dimas Sugeng Rachmadi
From: Amiruddin [mailto:Amiruddin@Newmont.com] Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 10:42 AMTo: Dimas Sugeng Rachmadi; Danang Purwanto; Citra Widayanti; Rina Trisnawati; Winarto; Jupriyatmoko; rustam riyadi; andri Budi Santoso; Nursayekti; nurhasanah@gearindoprakarsa.co.id; ari cahyoSubject: RE: Hukum Zakat Fithri dengan Uang
1 Sho menurut berbagai Mazhab..
Satu sho sama dengan empat mud. Menurut hanafiyah, satu mud sama dengan 1,032 liter atau 815,39 gram. satu sho’ sama dengan 4,128 liter atau 3261,5 gram. Adapun menurut Imam syafi’i, Ahmad, Malik, satu mud sama dengan 0,687 liter atau 543 gram. satu sho’ sama dengan 2,748 liter atau 2176 gram
Kadar zakat fitrah itu 1 sha’ kurma kering, tepung gandum, kismis, keju dan makanan lainnya.
Diperbolehkan pula menunaikan zakat fitrah dengan sesuatu yang menjadi kemampuan suatu negeri, seperti:1 sha’ beras dan lain-lain. Adapun maksud sha’ di sini adalah sha’ menurut Nabi Shalallahu Alaihi Wasallam yaitu 4 kali dua telapak tangan laki-laki dewasa yang betul-betul dianggap adil.
Hanyasanya yang paling utama untuk dizakati adalah makanan yang mengenyangkan, sebab makna yang dzahir(jelas) dari hadits Abu Sa’id al-Khudry Radliyallahuanhu adalah
عن أبى سعيد الخدريّ رضي الله عنه قال:كنّا نعطيها فى زمن النّبيّ صلّى الله عليه و سلّم صاعا من طعام أو صاعا من تمر أو صاعا من شعير أو صاعا من أفط أو صاعا من زبيب
فلمّا جآء معاوية و جآءت السمرآء قال:أرى مدّا من هذه يعدل مدّين
قال أبو سعيد:أمّا أنا فلا أزال أخرجه كما كنت أخرجه على عهد رسول الله صلّى الله عليه و سلّم (رواه البخارى(
Artinya,”Dari Abu Sa’id al-Khudry Radliyallahuanhu ia berkata:Kami menunaikan zakat fitrah pada zaman Rasulullah Shalallahu Alaihi Wasallam dengan 1 sha’dari makanan, atau kurma kering, atau tepung gandum, atau susu kering(keju), atau anggur kering(kismis), maka ketika Mu’awiyah Radliyallahuanhu datang dengan membawa gandum(dari Syam). ia berkata,”saya berpendapat bahwa jika dengan ini(gandum dari Syam) sebanyak 1 sha’ maka alangkah adil jika untuk yang selainnya adalah 2 sha”, maka Abu Sa’id Radliyallahuanhu berkata:”saya tidak akan menghapus cara pengeluarannya sebagaimana kami mengeluarkan(menunaikan)nya di zaman Rasulullah Shalallahu Alaihi Wasallam”. (HR. al-Bukhary)
1 Sho’ beratnya sekitar 2040 kg gandum.Bila dilebihkan dari ukuran 1 sho’ dgn niat shadaqoh maka boleh hukumnya..
Kalau dikita biasa disepakati 1 sho setara dengan 2.5 – 3 Kg Beras.
Source : Unknown
Written on 15.10 by Dimas Sugeng Rachmadi
Derivation of the Name
The word corrosion is derived from the latin word “corrodere” that means to gone away or to wear away.
Technical Definition
Corrosion is the degradation of material that occurs when it reacts with environment
Degradative Processes
1 Electrochemical reaction
2 Oxidation reaction
3 Wear
4 Fracture
Atmsopheric environment
Aqueous environment
Preventing Economic Losses
Corrosion associated losses in Singapore is of the tune of 2 billion dollars ( 4 % of the gross national product in the advanced countries)
Preventing The loss of Natural Resources
Metals and alloys lost by corrosion process can not be reclaimed since they get distribution everywhere.
For Maintaining the Sanity of Environment
1. The leak in oil tanks can for example be very hazardous for health.
2. Underground water mains
3. Gas leak in Bhoval
4. 1986 Chernobyl disaster
Improving Health Care
Body implants
Metallic pipes carrying potable water
Safety consideration
1. Electronic equipments
2. Offshore oil platforms
3. Nuclear power plants
Aerospace application : high temperature and wear resistance towards corrosion.
Automobiles sector : resistance towards various types of wet corrosion.
Is corrosion always harmful ?
Corrosion can also be used to derive some beneficial effects such as
Pickling of steel
Storage of electrical energy in dry cells
Anodizing of aluminium
Chemical machining
Written on 15.21 by Dimas Sugeng Rachmadi
Corporate Evolution
In its early forms, the corporation was a creature of the state. Governments chartered and sanctioned corporations to perform specific duties on behalf of the nation and its rulers. This changed somewhat during the nineteenth century, when the United Kingdom, the United States, and other countries granted company owners limited liability, and corporations gained a more liberated status as independent “legal persons.” The mid-nineteenth century saw the emergence of what can be called the international corporation. In some industries, corporations used these routes to import raw materials (diamonds, rubber, tea, and oil) and export finished products (chocolate, soap, margarine, and other manufactured consumer goods). A second phase in the corporation’s life began in 1914, with the conflagration of World War I and the subsequent collapse of economies in the United States and Europe. International corporations found their trade-based networks blocked. The spread of protectionism in the 1920s and 1930s led to the rise of tariªs, exchange controls, and other trade barriers. In response, businesses began to evolve into what is today recognized as the mnc. The mnc was a hybrid. On the one hand, it adapted to trade barriers by building local production. American mncs such as General Motors and Ford, for instance, built auto plants in Europe and Asia, thus allowing them to sell to important local markets without incurring tariª penalties. On the other hand, the mnc performed some tasks on a global basis, such as research and development (R & D) and product design. Emerging globally integrated enterprise is a company that fashions its strategy, its management, and its operations in pursuit of a new goal: the integration of production and value delivery worldwide. State borders define less and less the boundaries of corporate thinking or practice.
Global Integration
The shift from multinational corporation to globally integrated enterprise has assumed two distinct forms. The first has involved changes in where companies produce things; the second, changes in who produces them. Until recently, companies generally chose to produce goods close to where they sold them. As a consequence, most foreign investments targeted specific foreign markets.Today, overseas The most visible signs of this change can be seen in China and India. By one estimate, between 2000 and 2003 alone, foreign firms built 60,000 manufacturing plants in China. Some of these factories target the local Chinese market, but others target the global market. European chemical companies, Japanese carmakers, and U.S. industrial conglomerates are all building (or have declared their intention to build) factories in China to supply export markets around the world. Similarly, banks, insurance companies, professional-service firms, and it companies are building R & D and service centers in
India to support employees, customers, and production worldwide. As shared business practices spread, along with shared modes of connecting business activity, companies can hand over more and more of the work they had previously performed in-house (from back-o⁄ce support work, such as invoicing and employee-benefits administration, to R & D, sales, and customer support) to outside specialists.
Systemic Changes
The globally integrated enterprise will require fundamentally different approaches to production, distribution, and work-force deployment. Sustainable competitive advantage has never come only from productivity or inventiveness. Real innovation is about more than the simple creation and launching of new products. It is also about how services are delivered, how business processes are integrated, how companies and institutions are managed, how knowledge is transferred, how public policies are formulated—and how enterprises, communities, and societies participate in and benefit from it all. opportunities and challenges The globally integrated enterprise can deliver enormous economic benefits to both developed and developing nations. The integration of the work force in developing countries into global systems of production is already raising living standards, improving working conditions, and creating more jobs in those countries. Small and medium-sized businesses everywhere, particularly, are benefiting. The shift from mncs to globally integrated enterprises provides an opportunity to advance both business growth and societal progress. But it raises issues that are too big and too interconnected for business alone or government alone to solve. The globally integrated enterprise is a promising new actor on the world stage. Now leaders in business, government, education, and all of civil society must learn about its emerging dynamics and help it mature in ways that will contribute to social, economic, and human progress around the planet.
Written on 15.19 by Dimas Sugeng Rachmadi
A resource-based view of competitive advantage at the Port of Singapore*
Ref : JohnR.M.Gordona,Pui-MunLeeb,HenryC.LucasJr.c,* a Queen’s School of Business,Queen’sUniversity,Kingston,Ont.,CanadabNanyangBusinessSchool,Nanyang Technological University,SingaporecRobertH.SmithSchoolofBusiness,UniversityofMaryland,
CollegePark,MD20742,USASustaining Competitive
1. A resource-based view of competitive advantage at the Port of Singapore*.
The purpose is to describe the key resources, including operations and information technology (IT ) that have contribute to the competitive position of the Port of Singapore. The Port of Singapore has a chieved a sustainable competitive advantage relative to other locations by carefully building asset of resources that other Ports would find very difficult to match. Some of these resources are natural (a superb sheltered).
1.1 Data,
Undertake by Interviewed MrEricLui, ExecutiveVicet-President (InformationTechnology) /Executive Vice - President, Container Terminals Division and several members of his staff at PSA. Second, one author visited Kent Ridge Digital Laboratory, the organization that assisted in developing expert systems at the port
1.2 Resouces at the Port.
Singapore’s most important natural resources include its large, protected harbor,its location on major trade routes,and the skills of its well-educated workforce.
1.3 Operation at the Port
1.4 Enabling the Port Operation
Features or enablers that make the Port operations highly effective and help sustain its competitive edge are Singapore has a large merchant fleet,3037 ships with 25.572 million gross ton sattheend of 2003. Second, PSA is the largest owner of warehouse space in Singapore, managing over 500,000 m2 of space. Third,PSA’s work force is trained to focus on customers. A quality culture is prevalent in the organization. The Port has programs such as the ‘Key Customer Managers’ and ‘Chat Time’.
1.5 Innovation in Information and Operation Technology
PSA has invested heavily in information and operations technology, both to solve immediate operating problems and to remove constraints on the growth of container traffic.
1.6 Key Performance Data
PSA facilities can provide on average 100 container moves per hour. Itr ecorded 280.4 containers moves per hour in 2001 with the ship ‘APL Sardonyx’. PSA Marine, a wholly-owned subsidiary, performed 108,048 pilot age jobs and 94,904 tug jobs in 1997. The company provides high standards of service as 99 % of pilot age jobs were serviced with in 30 min and 96 % of tug jobs were serviced within 15 min.
2. Conclusions
2.1 PSAs Strategy In Summary, Singapore began with two natural resources : its location and a large, protected, deep-water Port. These resources, while rare and valuable, were imitable and substitutable.
2.2 Competitive Response, .The Port cut fees by a total of S$ 300 million for 1 year, and began a new policy to promote greater customer focus and flexibility.
2.3 Implication for Management, Managers should look at resources provided by nature and build resources to supplement them. Not all important resources are under the control of an organization, so one must (1) identify externa lresources that can be used to one’s advantage and (2) build internal resources capable of enhancing those external resources).